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Happy holidays! 节日欢乐!中国人将圣诞节视为一个欢乐派对的日子,人们往往会在圣诞节来临时送上诚挚祝愿,如何写圣诞祝福语呢?也许"平安夜英文短文案"就是你要找的, 如果对这个话题感兴趣的话,请关注本站。


1、To Hong from your good friends at Peking U。


3、For peace and prosperity for the night, bringing in the Christmas festival。 Merrily merrily to celebrate, gloom all behind。 Santa Claus gift, ferro ShouXi has everything。 Christmas bell incoming ears, I wish you joy every day。


5、Christmas Eve you will pick up peace train depart, every day from now on you will be a good journey, yueyue bon voyage, bon voyage, every year there are your family and friends will be life in peace, happy Christmas Eve!

6、Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend。

7、Stars are shining.May Santa Claus come to you with joys and happiness.星光闪烁,圣诞老人来到你的床前,将欢乐与祝福,洒满你的房间。

8、平安夜,传喜悦,吉祥氛围飘万里;钟声响,雪花飘,温馨浪漫到你家;隔千山,离万水,友谊在心不会淡;欢喜夜,送祝福,祝你一生永平安。祝平安夜欢乐!平安夜祝福语 Christmas Eve, spread joy auspicious atmosphere with thousands of miles; bell, snow, warm and romantic to your home; isolation from Qianshan, Wanshui, friendship in the heart will never fade; happy night, send blessings, I wish you a life of permanent peace。 Wish you a happy night and happy night blessings


10、Happy holidays! 节日欢乐!


12、On Christmas Eve, want to and you spent together, the net be buckled, the unity of two hearts, guardian belongs to our romantic, listen to each other's heart beat, it is the world's most beautiful melody, my dear, I wish you a happy peace and happy and healthy!

13、We will be shavings Christmas at David s this year.You are welcome to join us!

14、平步青云美梦实现,安乐开心知己相伴,夜短话长倾诉不完,快走光阴漫步流年,乐事就是真爱永远。祝福好友平安永远。。 flat dream yet, Ann happy happy friends acpanying, night short words to end, fast exposed Yin walk fleeting, music is the true love forever。 Bless friends forever。

15、hope we can spend the holidays together。

16、Stars are shining.May Santa Claus come to you with joys and

17、This message is Christmas Eve peace ambassador, sound to offer safe, to reassure the melody, with peace of mind you spend tonight, spend tomorrow night, spend every night in the future。 Happy Christmas Eve!



19、Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

20、Three hundred and sixty-five days,everywhere be touched with my warmest

21、happiness, the joof covered onenear, and wishing you all the joyof christmaand a


23、Christmas Eve I wish peace, peace talk peace at night。 Peace is a blessing, peace is a treasure, go in peace live! Wish you in peace, and peace, all peace, receive SMS life peace!

24、red candle ,pine tree and christmas are greeting you,wishing youth and

25、On Christmas Eve, wonderful bell to ring again, let it knocking on your door in 20XX, bring you a whole year of health peace, happiness and auspicious。 Wish you a merry Christmas in advance!

26、雪橇拉着欢乐来敲门,驯鹿捎来吉祥笑吟吟,颂歌传出暖流一阵阵,共度此夜的朋友是世界上最幸福的人,祝愿你平安托起幸福日月,健康携手恩爱春秋。。 Sleigh Reindeer happy to knock on the door, a lucky smiling, Carol came a burst of warm, spend the night friend is the happiest person in the world, I wish you happiness and health to hold peace, love and。

27、偷偷告诉你:今夜,平平会帮你把忙碌变成悠闲;今夜,安安会帮你把梦想早日实现;今夜,平平会帮你丢掉一切烦恼,今夜,安安会让你露出灿烂微笑;今夜,平平安安会和你在一齐,共同把幸福完美追忆,平安夜欢乐。secretly tell you: tonight, so will help you to bee a busy leisure; tonight, Ann will help make your dream e true; tonight, so will help you get rid of all the troubles, tonight, Ann will give you a bright smile; tonight, peace will be with you, together with the happy memories, happy Christmas eve。

28、平安夜,愿你:平复一下失意的恼火,平息一下磨难的怒火;安抚一下平安夜的焰火,安享一下平安夜的乐火;祝你平安夜欢乐上火,挑燃顺利雄火,从此红红火火!Christmas Eve, I hope you: calm down the annoyance of frustration, calm down the anger of the tribulations, fort the fireworks on Christmas Eve, and enjoy the happy fire on Christmas Eve。 I wish you a happy night on Christmas Eve and a good fire。

29、平安夜,是瑞雪纷飞,是美酒佳肴,是圣诞老人,是驯鹿敲门。闭上眼睛,感悟流星,感悟星光下的雪,晶莹剔透。节日的温馨,朋友的关心,祝福的暖心,让我们心心相映,平安是福。祝:平安夜平安,平安夜欢乐! on Christmas Eve, the snow is falling, is wine, Santa Claus reindeer is knocking at the door。 Close your eyes, understand the meteor, understand the stars under the snow, crystal clear。 The warmth of the festival, the care of the friends, the warm heart of the blessing, let the heart reflect, the peace is the blessing。 Wish: peace on Christmas Eve, happy night!

30、three hundred and sixty-five days,everywhere be touched with my warmest

31、平安之夜大家忙,祝福收发累得慌。我用诚心攒祝福,一共三百六十五,今夜全部转给你,愿你平安每一天;我用爱心发信息,所有情谊和祝愿,融入此条信息中,平安夜里发给你,愿你幸福一整年。, Christmas Eve you busy, send and receive blessings so tired。 I use my heart to save three hundred and sixty-five wishes。 Ill give you a full night tonight。 I wish you peace every day。 I send messages with love, all kinds of friendship and wishes into this message, and Ill send you a safe night, wishing you happiness for a whole year。


33、平安夜带给你平安和舒心,圣诞老人带给你幸运和祝福,圣诞钟声带给你人梦想和活力,圣诞大餐带给你健康和舒心,圣诞树带给你成就和财气。祝圣诞欢乐! Christmas Eve bring you peace and fort, Santa Claus brings you luck and blessings of Christmas bell to bring you an ideal and vitality, the feast of Christmas bring you health and fort, the Christmas tree bring you success and wealth。 Merry Christmas!

34、merrchristmas.manhappinesreturnof the day.

35、year of happiness.

36、to wish you special joat the holidayand all year.


37、It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again

38、With music,candle and bell may peace and happiness be with you.

39、best wishes at christma.i miss you.

40、Three hundred and sixty-five miles,everywhere be filled with my season

41、mom and dad: thank you for everything thiholidaseason!

42、The falling snow, combined into the shape of a peace; Let the sincere wish, contain the content of peace; On Christmas Eve night, convey about the blessing of peace。 Friend, Christmas Eve, peace be to you, wish you happy!

43、much joto you in the up coming year. mathe warmest wishes, happthoughtand

44、Three hundred and sixty-five miles,everywhere be filled with my season greeting.

45、starare shining.masanta claucome to you with joyand happiness.

46、The New Year bell will be ringing, falling leaves flying, is permeated with warmth, rippling the truth, blessed with, how many sleepless nights are not as good as today's peace night of happiness and joy, warm the night。


48、Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the ing year。

49、Christmas Eve, send you an apple, two orange, protect your horse safely and to send you a bottle of Pepsi wish you happy joy endless! Wish you a merry Christmas Eve and merry Christmas!

50、今夜星光璀璨为你欢歌雀跃,今夜雪花片片为你舞蹈翩翩,今夜美食佳肴为你绽放笑颜,今夜祝福绵绵为你汹涌而来,愿今夜你是幸福的主角,平安夜愿你平安。。 star bright tonight for you singing caper, tonight snowflakes dance for you dancing tonight, delicacy for you smile tonight, blessing for you ing, wish you happy tonight is the protagonist, you may the blessings of peace。


52、Merry Christmas! Don't forget to hang up the sock!


54、Wish you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.


55、wish mangood wishefor the holidayand the coming year.

56、On Christmas Eve, the bell ring, the joy and sweet singing! Snowflakes fly, sweet pink-fleshed radish, bless peace home more beautiful! I wish a happy Christmas Eve! Peace be to you forever! Happy forever!

57、Tonight, looks over all the sweet and sour in the heart, the most is to miss, do you know the intersection has for many years, feeling the need not say more, the flower of friendship blooms you my heart, I wish you a happy life on Christmas Eve, four seasons peace。

58、Red candle ,pine tree and Christmas are greeting you,wishing youth and


60、雪花的身影曼妙轻盈,铃铛的响声悦耳叮咚。雪橇要酝酿一个朦胧的梦,亲爱的你,醉了这一刻的笑容,绯红的是爱,含羞的是甜,柔柔靠在我的肩,把彼此的心跳倾听,星儿在说只愿你平安。平安夜,我的爱人,我们坐在欢乐之巅。。 snow figure graceful light, the sound of the bell sweet buzz。 The sled to brew a hazy dream, dear you, drunk this moment to smile, crimson love is sweet, shy, gentle on my shoulder, put the heartbeat to star in I wish you peace。 Peace night, my love, we sit on the top of happiness。

61、平安夜了,我买不起什么贵重的礼物送你,只好托付圣诞老人把我的心送去给你,你收到后要好好保存啊,那可是我的一颗真心。宝贝,平安夜欢乐! Christmas Eve, I cant afford to buy you anything valuable。 Ill have to send Santa to send my heart to you。 After you receive it, you must keep it well。 Its a real heart of mine。 Baby, happy night!

62、Wishing you a beautiful holiday season。节日愉快。

63、Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend。

64、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。

65、A meteor across the night sky, I wish。 The resulting lit hall, I happiness。 Happy tonight, Christmas Eve to pray for the peace in bloom。 Wishing you a Christmas Eve and I spent together, enjoy the beauty, create tomorrow!


67、Winter ruthless people love, caring heart didn't stop, after the winter solstice Christmas Eve, Christmas greeting on, friend miss feeling, a warm greetings from heart。 On New Year's greetings and first happy warmth forever。 A happy holiday!


69、Christmas caroling, noble and guest; Human feelings of gold, between friends heart to heart; Miss text cohesion, wish you happy holidays and all well, happy every day, merry Christmas。

70、Luck and Christmas Eve, gift from the sky。 On Christmas Eve, send greetings, happiness and about to。 On Christmas Eve, happy, Christmas gifts。 On Christmas Eve, send blessings, I wish you the best wishes must be implemented。

71、let`s share the happiness of chirstmas

72、red candle ,pine tree and christmaare greeting you,wishing youth and happinesbe your.
