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3、Today is mother's day, I use the paper of the mind into a most beautiful carnations, to your mother, wish her happy and healthy! For she has brought up you at the same time, make you to become an indispensable friend in my life.

4、Wish every mother: may include every bit of effort you hope to achieve, and let your inculcation and dive to the influence of the children, with excellent blooms throughout the motherland!


6、Great love is silent, love is poured out like a spring.Affection flow, sweet dew moistens the heart;Motherly love selfless, give love infinite;Gratitude is always in my heart.Mother's day, may mother smile!


8、He knows that there are endless joy in mother's little corner of a heart, mom dear arms hugged, the sweeter far than liberty.


10、don’t take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.





15、这世界上,没有人比您更爱我;这世界上,也没有人能取代您在我心里的位置。妈妈,无论在哪里,我永远爱您。 祝您节日快乐!




18、Mom, now that I have done the mothers, your hard work, love you, I also understand deeper. I wish you a happy mother's day!





23、Have her care will not feel lonely, you have her hands you will feel warm and have her waiting for distant distance will instantly close again, she has a great name, mother! Don't forget to mother on mother's day wishes!

24、In this special day I wish my mother happy holidays! Say you were laborious!

25、You may have a wish, let love sweet; You may have on wishes, to work the smooth; Today, you have to in front of the Buddha devout wishes: wish mother healthy forever peace. A mother's love is long, life is short, return good.

26、Gently a blessing, not the words of the heart, one short message bring my sincere greetings to you, actually I have been very miss you.





31、Filial piety is very simple: a trip home, how to make a phone call, more patience to listen to nagging, more concern and understanding, more greetings mom. Mother's day, to say my mother a happy holiday.



love is shining. A happy holiday!在丰富多彩的生活中,很多人会选择通过文字与朋友分享自己不同的心情,有人说句子代表着各种心情,你喜欢的句子有哪些呢?以下“母亲节贺卡上的简单祝福语”由句子田地为大家收集整理, 希望能为你提供更多的参考。


1、妈妈,谢谢您给予我如此灿烂美好的生命!i love you forever!2. 给爱插上翅膀,来到你的身旁,带去我深深的牵挂,我不能每天陪在您身边,只希望您能快乐健康又平安,妈妈,您辛苦了,祝您母亲节快乐!

2、Accompany my life, the sunsets, a mother's love; Ups and downs, a mother's

3、I don’t take the time to tell you this often,but I love you,mom.

4、day and night is, that no time to miss too many holiday, I wish you a happy

5、Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on


7、our lifetime, be filial piety you old, happy mother's day!

8、Thanks for being there,mom. Happy Mother's Day.



11、Mom, your love is just like a bar of candy, with a package of ceaseless chatter and scold; I couldn't find it out until I grow up. Happy Mother's Day!

12、You usher in the spring of life,came the birth of your son;You carry the thick of life,the crystallization of love;Your contribution to the human reproduction,reward:a message like testimonials,wish mother festival happiness,will love to continue.

13、A mountain without a mother's love;A sea without a mother's love;The sky, without the mother's love wide;The earth, without the mother's love tolerance;The sun, no mother's love is warm;Let's wish our mother happy and healthy!

14、Mama: since you will position itself in the role of wife and mother, worked

15、love is shining. A happy holiday!

16、Roses are red,violets are blue. This card on Mother's Day is especially for you.

17、A mother's love is a cup of wine, warm and warm heart;A mother's love is a cup of tea, pure and fresh love priceless;Mother love is a cup of water, clear and transparent comfort!Happy mother's day, I love you deeply!

18、mother's love is a dose of magic potion, can soothe hurt; A mother's love is

19、I've tried many times to tell you,but I'll say it again:I love you mother.


20、wish you a happy mother's day!

21、Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother’s

22、Years dyed your hair, the vicissitudes carve your cheek, time reflects your mood, time writing your priceless, sunset you wait me to return home, deep and remote light you is full of blessings, you start to wash in the morning, you in your life to support the family.Growth drop, everywhere is your god shadow charm, life track, full is your silent giving!Mother's day is here. May you always be happy and healthy.

23、You usher in the spring of life, came the birth of your son; You carry the

24、happy and healthy!

25、The years were engraved on their foreheads, and the gentle breeze was blowing.A little detail of her greatness, the tender bosom of her childhood, the warm harbor of the heart, will you be the first to think of her mother's day?Wish all mothers a happy holiday.

26、Time will not go back, the river flows down, flowers and flowers fall with nature, just like you are the indispensable person in my life, you gave me a beautiful life!Wish you and all the mothers a happy holiday!

27、grew up was rung on your forehead; I indulge in your eyebrows is vertical

28、safer for us all if we took you out.

29、goes well!

30、to, again familiar also wish mom: happy mother's day!


32、I may not often say it,but I do love you.

33、The day lily is on the doorstep.There are no daylily flowers in front of the mother.Send the best wishes for mother's day!


35、don't take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom. Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.


37、luck forever.



再羞涩也要勇敢表达,再忙碌也要抽空回家,再遥远也要祝福妈妈:母亲节快乐!在日常接触的生活环境中,通常会发布一些短小精悍的文案,短句往往能含蓄地表达分享者的内心感受或想法,什么样的句子适合送人?下面是句子田地编辑为你精心整理的“母亲节贺卡上的祝福语简单”, 更多相关内容请继续关注本网站。

1、There are little things that I should have said and done to show mygratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.

2、With my heart I smooth out the wrinkles on your forehead, and with my love the white hairs on your head.Mother, thank you for giving me life, today belongs to your holiday, do children's wish you health and longevity.





7、Is the most beautiful face, I strive for success; Is the most beautiful smile, with my life to pursue; Is the most beautiful blessing, I pushed the end of the world. Mother's day arrived, wish my dear mother healthy and happy forever happy.

8、mother's love is holding on to, explaining what is eternal; A mother's love is affection, witness to what is by blood; A mother's love is sincere, reveal what is selfless; A mother's love is warm sun, transmitting the light of love!

9、Carnations, may seem a little thoughts, just like her mother; The ends of the earth, everywhere I go, but never go out of your warm eyes, mom, I wish you a happy holiday!



12、Roses are red,violets are blue. This card on Mother's Day is especially for you.

13、mother's love is like the sea, accommodate infinite, a mother's love is like day, without a trace, endless blessing world all mother, and my mom, happy mother's day!

14、Perhaps, in our life, there are a lot of people, a lot of things, experienced turned to will forget, but in our hearts.

15、Filial piety is very simple: a trip home, how to make a phone call, more patience to listen to nagging, more concern and understanding, more greetings mom. Mother's day, to say my mother a happy holiday.


17、Mom, now that I have done the mothers, your hard work, love you, I also understand deeper. I wish you a happy mother's day!


19、Gently a blessing, not the words of the heart, one short message bring my sincere greetings to you, actually I have been very miss you.

20、reproduction, reward: a message like testimonials, wish mother festival

21、the lack of life. The eye of a needle tightly, looking forward to take you in

22、There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is apPciated what you do.

23、Brilliant love day, without a mother's love wide; , no mother love tolerance; The sun, no mother love warm; White clouds, there is no mother's love; Flower, no mother love is shining. Mom, happy holidays!


25、这世界上,没有人比您更爱我;这世界上,也没有人能取代您在我心里的位置。妈妈,无论在哪里,我永远爱您。 祝您节日快乐!

26、goes well!





31、my dearest mother!



34、Big love words, love spewing like spring; Affection is flowing, Anna moist heart; A mother's love selfless, pay a love is infinite; Chunhui difficult, grateful always in mind. Mother's day, wish mother in bloom!



