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“现将月饼放在水中,用月光返照原理速递过来。”人们现在正在频发使用周围的网络,也许你也分享了不少的经典句子,句子常常隐晦地表达了此时的心情或者想法。什么样的句子更吸引你?或许你正在查找类似"英语中秋节英文祝福语"这样的内容, 还请你收藏本页以便后续阅读。

1、matter where you are from, regardless that we gather and leave, all

2、Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn

3、want you, and ask it for me Truth between kindsfold you, as it will for me to

4、The Mid-Autumn Festival, no longer pin, but sent sentence, as a clay:

5、covered, as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart, and do a

6、passionately concentrated sweet like honey, the Ao Qingfengdian things come.WWw.juzitiandi.cOm

7、received this information, all subsequent owners!I wish a happy Mid-Autumn

8、of a round like, two days more than willing to sweet cakes, like beauty to three


10、wishes and blessings to you. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring

11、On the night of Mid-Autumn Day, a brigh tmoon and shining stars bring my

12、The Mid-Autumn Day approaches. Although I am far from home, I have

13、The homesick feeling will be stronger during the traditional festival.

14、One of the most simple: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

15、bright, think Italy isstrong!I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncakes to

16、want to say that my heart will always be with you no matter where I am.

17、those blessings are forever linked in my mind. I wish you success and only

18、would help to the Mid-Autumn full moon night, I tell you; I thought you, I am



21、you a happy family and a successful future.

22、Wish you and your family a happy Mid-autumn Festival!

23、Sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the

24、bring my best wishes to you:Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


26、Herald Democrats, in the early autumn evening to you and I share,

27、bright future.

28、to you that Happy Mid-Autumn Day,my dearest.

29、am glad that you are with me on the full moon night. I want to

30、your mind, heart, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

31、will tell you the phone numbers of a stranger, he is joking that he

32、conviction in my mind. I wish my family happiness and blessings forever.

33、in my homeland. The round moon in the sky makes me feel homesick.

34、thousand miles can also Chan.

35、blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams.

36、all the best, youthful beauty, gave himself a blessed I know you.

37、carefully done two cakes, one gave you, wish you happy holidays and

38、things beautiful!



mid-autumn day and a happy life.在普通平凡的生活和工作中,经常收到问候和祝福的句子。多阅读优秀的句子能提升自己的文化素养,你喜欢分享哪些短句呢?以下由编辑收集整理的《中秋节祝福语英语 》, 供你参考,希望能帮到你。

中秋节祝福语英语 (1--21条)



3、wish you the best of luck in this reunion day. 祝愿你在这团圆的日子里,好运绵延,月圆人圆共团圆,一生幸福总平安。

4、Sweet cakes will be served with my blessings. Wish you a successful

5、covered, as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart, and do a

6、remember that I left block Oh!

7、The more full moon, the more we miss the love you! Moon Represents My Heart ... I love you!越是月圆时,越是思念深爱的你!月亮代表我的心...我爱你!

8、Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn

9、Let the round moon accompany you and me.The bright moon will take my

10、On the night of Mid-Autumn Day, a brigh tmoon and shining stars bring my


12、bright future.

13、One of the most simple: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

14、to you that Happy Mid-Autumn Day,my dearest.

15、want to make a toast. I Wish that theround moon take my best blessing

16、The homesick feeling will be stronger during the traditional festival.

17、want you, and ask it for me Truth between kindsfold you, as it will for me to

18、passionately concentrated sweet like honey, the Ao Qingfengdian things come.

19、Soft wind yurun elixir of love, sweet happy life! Winter spring water in smoke, year Mid-Autumn festival here! The time when it is past, the life must drink。 A happy Mid-Autumn festival! 风柔雨润花好月圆,幸福生活好甜!冬去春来似水如烟,一年中秋在眼前!流年不复返,人生须尽欢。中秋快乐!

20、long distance try to ask peaceful deny? And send the miss distance。 Continuous love and concern, the thick cordiality and wish, Mid-Autumn happiness! 千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!

21、Mid Autumn Festival, I wish you a family reunion, happy forever! 中秋佳节到,祝您合家团圆,幸福万年长!

中秋节祝福语英语 (22--42条)

22、thousands miles apart.

23、Mid-Autumn Festival!

24、The moon this priceless, mountains all sentient beings。 Lu yao li, difficult lovesickness。 Man is not, the heart yearning。 I sincerely wish you and your family a happy happy reunion, happy life! 明月本无价,高山皆有情。路遥千里,难断相思。人虽不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康!

25、Chang'e air time dance Antimasque anyone sit back; I Curative days I can form a

26、Sijie Haoyue every night, Zhi shared two hands linked, love

27、please a mosquito looking for the most lovable you, it will tell you

28、Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.

29、today is a full moon night, on three-under for you to: a child to dream

30、The roundest moon can be seen on the Mid-Autumn Day. My dearest, I miss

31、would help to the Mid-Autumn full moon night, I tell you; I thought you, I am

32、body, the work of a Heart, a love you, a trusted friend to help, when you

33、Happy Mid-Autumn Day! Wish that you go well and have a successful and

34、On this special day, I want to send you a light, faint scent to

35、best wishes and blessings. May you have asweet dream!

36、matter where you are from, regardless whether we gather or leave, all

37、I will tell you the phone numbers of a stranger, he is joking that he would help to the Mid-Autumn full moon night, I tell you; I thought you, I am your mind, heart, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!我将你的手机号码告诉了一个陌生人,他叫月老,他会在中秋月圆夜要帮我告诉你;我心思你,我心念你,我心祝你中秋快乐!

38、An inter-mining Mingyue for your viewing, weave a cool autumn you

39、The homesick feeling will be stronger during the traditional festival. I

40、mid-autumn day and a happy life.

41、wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Day and a wonderful life.

42、hope the round moon will bring my best wishes to you, my best


花好人更好,月圆人团圆,Its better to spend a good person, to reunite a full moon。为朋友、亲人送上中秋节祝福,是一件很要的事,除了中文祝福,可不可以写一点英文祝福呢?以下是句子田地小编收集整理的给英语老师的中秋节祝福语英文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


1.I please a mosquito looking for the most lovable you,it will tell you I want you,and ask it for me Truth between kindsfold you,as it will for me to send you a lot of red envelopes.I hope I was the first one you wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!  我拜托一只最可爱的蚊子去找你,它会告诉你我很想你,并请它替我亲亲你,因为它会替我送上很多*给你,希望我是第一个祝福你中秋快乐的人!

2.In the golden autumn festival, I wish you a happy and prosperous family. 金秋佳节,祝您人圆家圆,业顺事兴!

3.An inter-mining Mingyue for your viewing, weave a cool autumn you covered,as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart,and do a blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams.  采一轮松间明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡。

4.Festival times Sze Chen, the round moon is my heart. Fellow think of the moon Trinidad situation, I Zhiyuan you more intimate.中秋佳节倍思亲,圆圆明月是我心。明月千里寄思情,只愿你我更贴心。

5.An inter-mining Mingyue for your viewing,weave a cool autumn you covered,as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart,and do a blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams.  采一轮松间明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡。

6.Enjoy the full moon and welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival. In this annual festival, I wish friends at home and abroad a happy holiday! 共赏圆月一轮,喜迎中秋良宵。在这一年一度的佳节里,愿家里家外的朋友节日快乐!

7.On this special day, I want to send you a light, faint scent to celebrate your colorful life. Happy Mid-Autumn Day, my best friend. 在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!

8.In this special day, send a touch of Qingxiang,洒脱fun for your blessing! Afar you, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!

9.Paper to do with romance; warm to do with stuffing; happy to do the egg Wang; people do not know how to taste, you only the best one! 用浪漫做皮;用温馨做馅;幸福做蛋王;懂得品味的人不需要多,最好只有你一个!

10.Send a round cake, send a round love, offer a round heart, round a round dream. Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 送一个圆圆的饼,寄一份圆圆的情,献一颗圆圆的心,圆一个圆圆的梦。中秋节快乐!

11.The moon is priceless, and all mountains are sentimental. May your life be as full as the fifteen moons! 明月本无价,高山皆有情。愿你的生活就象这十五的月亮一样,圆圆满满!

12.The round moon as the mirror, you want to see. You You Zhang screen is the darkness, my Xingyuan uncountable. 月圆年年相似,你我岁岁相盼。那满天的清辉,遍地水银,便是我们互倾的思念。

13.Full Moon is the time when I miss you! Regardless of our distance from more distant, are unstoppable, I deeply miss you!月圆的时候就是我想念你们的时候!无论我们的距离多遥远,都挡不住我对你深深的思念!

14.May my blessing accompany you to the Mid Autumn Festival, and all happy and well received! 愿我的祝福陪你度中秋,幸福美好全部接收!

15.This most beautiful holiday, I want to send you the most special blessing. 这个最美丽的节日,想送你最特别的祝福。


16.I wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Did-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect. 祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满。

17.I am glad that you are with me on the full moon night. I want to whisper to you that Happy Mid-Autumn Day my dearest. 有月的夜晚,有你和我的夜晚,只想轻轻的向你道声,我的佳人祝你节日快乐!

18.Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?今晚能邀你一同赏月吗?

19.Delivery of sweet moon cakes, together with a blessed heart. May every day you live be as successful as the fifteenth moon! 送上香甜的月饼,连同一颗祝福的心。愿你过的每一天都象十五的月亮一样成功!

20.Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future. 祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满。

21.Since ancient times, the Mid-Autumn Moon has been the brightest, and the cool breeze will be clear at night. One day, the weather sinks into silver and the sea is full of fish and dragons. 自古中秋月最明,凉风届候夜弥清。一天气象沉银汉,四海鱼龙跃水精。

22.The bright moonlight in front of the bed makes me panic; I look up at the bright moon and think of the bride. 床前明月光,看得我心慌;抬头望明月,低头想新娘。

23.Dabao: moon cakes? Lets try it again tomorrow. 大宝:月饼?明天咱也吃一回试试去啊!

24.May all troubles leave you, and all blessings are always with you! 愿所有的烦恼都离您而去,所有的祝福都常伴身边!

25.On a full moon night, the bright moon is in the sky! No matter how far away we are, I cant stop my deep miss for you! 月圆之夜明月当空是!无论我们的距离多遥远,都挡不住我对你深深的思念!

26.Trinidad difficult to touch the moon, you miss nowhere sustenance. Drank the invitation of the moon, she said to you: Fodor! More money! Happy and more! 圆圆的月亮象面镜,你的心思能看见。幽幽的夜色是张幕,我的星愿不可数。

27.Gently a blessing, not the words of the heart, one short message, give you take my heartfelt greeting: Mid-Autumn night I miss you very much! 轻轻地一声祝福,道不尽心中的千言万语,短短的一条短信,给你带上我衷心的问候:中秋之夜我很挂念你!

28.Wishing us a long life to share the graceful moonlight, though thousands of miles apart.A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry Mid-Autumn Festival, bliss, and happiness. 皓月闪烁,星光闪耀,中秋佳节,美满快乐!

29.Send Acacia Thousands of miles in the bright moon! The moon represents my heart! 明月千里寄相思!月亮代表我的心!

30.When a full moon more miss you, must remember sweet accumulation; When Mid-Autumn festival more read you, happy laughter vaguely。 Wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival in faraway places, all the best。 For me to remember to look at the moon when smile happily, that is the gift I gave you. 月圆的时候更想你,千万回忆甜蜜堆积;中秋的时候更念你,欢声笑语快乐依稀。遥祝远方的你中秋愉快,万事如意。记得看月亮的时候替我笑嘻嘻,那是我送你的赠礼。
